Thirty Days of Red Page 3
Hair twirled in a bow, I massage my neck on his stubble chin and moan. Underneath my cherry, he presses his finger inside. My breathing becomes more rapid while I rub the shaft of his crotch. He sticks two fingers inside, pulls them out, and licks them.
I pick up the champagne glass on the marble floor and take a sip. He kisses me, continuing to fondle me down there. When we rinse and towel off, Aiden carries me and places me on top of the counter. He pushes inside me and clasps my body.
“Did you miss me?”
“Yes,” I moan.
“Tell me you want this every day,” he grunts.
“I want this every day.”
Hands wrapped around my waist, he bends me forward while he continues to rock me.
I can feel him, taste him, breathe him.
Spanking my buttocks, he releases me so I can face and kiss him.
Moments later, we lie in bed, and I watch him sleep. I don’t know how long this will last, but one thing I learned today is that acting on my compulsion is worth it.
Day 5
Today is our fourth day of the cruise, and I’m getting used to waking up every morning in a different place. With our navy blue shirts and white shorts, Christopher and I step out of the liner, welcoming the breeze and ready to venture in the heart of Toulon, France.
“Bonjour, mademoiselle.” Christopher puts on his bad French accent.
I roll my eyes and clamp my hand on my straw hat to keep it from flying away. We explore the old town and market.
“Do we look too touristy?” Christopher strides by the monuments.
“We are tourists. Nothing wrong with that.”
Hips swayed, he muses, “I just want to blend with the crowd.”
“You’re my evil sailor twin,” I chide.
“What would you do without me?” He winks.
We walk a few distances to the beach. I lie out our towel and remove my top.
“You sure love the color red, don’t you?” Christopher eyes my bikini.
Applying sunscreen on my thighs, I shrug. “I didn’t realize what I packed. It was a last minute decision, remember?”
Christopher removes his shirt and sprays sunscreen on his arms and chest. “I never got to ask you why you decided to come.”
I’m not ready to disclose any information about Aiden or David’s plan to leave me. “Like you said, I can’t keep taking care of everybody.”
“Glad you came.” He lies down beside me. “And I hope David is okay.”
“He’s fine, I called earlier today and spoke to Mom. David was asleep.”
The sun feels as if it’s melting my chest as I close my eyes. Thoughts of Aiden creep inside my mind. I’m so excited to see him tonight. I wonder what he does all day. Is he touring the streets like Christopher and I? There’s not much I know about him, but it’s better that way. Life shouldn’t be complicated. Today, I’m going to embrace the present.
* * *
Back at our cabin, Christopher gathers the magnets and key chains he bought for his sister from the places we visited and packs them inside his suitcase. Not knowing what else to get them, I bought David and my mother-in-law shirts from each stop.
“Is your relationship with Patrick serious?” I ask.
He flashes me a smile. “He wants me to meet his parents when we get back.”
I cross my legs. “How much do you know about him?”
“Enough. He’s a math teacher. I’m a financial analyst. Ain’t that a match made in heaven?” He winks.
“Yes, but there’s more to that. You never visited his place. He could be messy, or what if he’s bipolar?”
Christopher bursts out laughter. “Boy, you have a wild imagination. I’m not marrying him.”
“I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“And I don’t want to end up alone. Life is about risks, and I need to try.” He catches a glimpse of his watch. “I gotta meet Patrick at the casino.”
“A gambler. Now that’s one of his vices.” I shake my finger.
“Oh, stop it.” He kisses me goodbye on both cheeks and heads for the door.
My feet ran after him. “Wait.”
Christopher turns back. “Did I forget something?”
High heels in hand, I say, “It’s time I met Patrick.”
* * *
The three of us are playing on the slot machines and enjoying cocktails. Patrick and Christopher look giddy when they giggle. Their eyes twinkle each time one wins a point, and their bodies seem to be in tune. Patrick glances at me as if he wants my approval.
Christopher puts his arms around me. “Liv here has been my best friend since high school. I call her my evil twin,” he rambles, “even though she’s the opposite of evil. She keeps me grounded.”
I roll my eyes. Christopher is unaware about what transpired with Aiden.
“It pays to have a friend like Liv,” Patrick says.
The clock strikes midnight and my winning streak fades. My hormones now raging for Aiden, and Christopher and Patrick are holding hands.
“Lovebirds, I’m going to excuse myself before I snooze.”
“What are you, Cinderella?” Christopher chides.
“I need my beauty sleep.”
We group hug.
The cruise is more vibrant at night, but there’s only one person who will complete my evening.
Hoping he’s awake, I knock slightly upon reaching his cabin.
The door opens, and Aiden stands there, a white terry robe covering his lean body. “I thought you’d never come.” He slides his finger down my chest and grabs me inside.
“What’s that smell?” I remove my heels and toss my hair to the side, inhaling the lemongrass scent.
“Risotto, courtesy of the chef.” He reaches for a fork and feeds me.
I moan in delight.
“I’m thrilled you love it.” He settles me in a chair while he prepares a plate for me.
We eat in silence, gazing into each other’s eyes. A thought of David pops in my mind and I’m not sure when our passion ended.
“I’m late for work.” I rushed down the steps.
“Why can’t you even look at me?” David yelled.
I stormed out of the house. David and I had dreams of raising a family. How could I tell him he was a reminder of the failure I was for not being able to provide him with a child?
Aiden grabs me gently to the bed, taking me back into reality. The past few days with him allowed me to escape the situation back home. He pulls my red scarf and blindfolds me. “Let’s play a game.”
Licking my lips, I agree, hungry for a surprise.
“Let’s say you’re blind, you have no hands, and you’re under the mercy of your master. All you can do is hear, smell, and taste.”
“Yes, master.”
He rubs a pebble-like object on my lips. “Tell me what this is.”
I taste the salt and munch. “Almond?”
“Good guess.”
Aiden’s breath nuzzles the back of my neck. I draw in air as he traces my lips with what feels like cold strawberries. When I attempt to suck it, he pulls away. Instead he presses his lips against mine and pushes bits of strawberries into my mouth. My tongue caresses his, and I swallow the fruit.
“Do you like it?” He kisses me.
He undresses me and whispers, “I want a more exciting game.”
A sharp object rests on my neck. My body stiffens. “Aiden, I’m not sure what kind of game you want to play.”
He rotates me forward and handcuffs my arms. “You’ve been a very bad girl.”
It barely hurts my skin, but my heart pounds and I explode into a cold sweat. What is he doing?
“Any last words?” He pulls my hair gently.
“Aiden, this isn’t funny.”
He massages my thighs, but I lie on my bare stomach, frozen. If I scream, who would come after me? Not even Christopher knows where I am.
The sheets rustle like fallen leaves. Aiden removes my handcuff and blindfold then pulls me to his chest. “I’m sorry. Did I scare you?”
Tears welling, I pick up my clothes and rise from the bed. “I need to go.”
“But you just got here. I’m sorry. I wanted some fun.”
Without hesitation, I slip into my dress and approach the door. “This was a mistake.”
“Red, calm down.” He approaches me.
Taking a step back, I straighten my shoulders. “I barely know you, and you don’t have the faintest clue about me.”
Caressing my cheek, he gazes into my eyes. “I’m aware you’re a good kisser, and you point your toes when you’re about to explode into an orgasm.”
I try to keep a straight face.
Aiden fondles me down there, and my breathing grows ragged and my body freezes. I have allowed myself to fall under his spell. “You can’t resist me even if you tried.”
Why did he have to be so right?
“Okay.” Aiden raises his hands in the air, as if he’s resting his case. “I promise I won’t touch you. Just stay with me tonight.” He gestures to the table. “There’s a lot of food.”
I grab my heels, but stop.
“Please,” he begs. “I’m not one to break a pledge.”
I finally give in and perch on the chair. Aiden arranges another plate for me. We eat in silence like two coeds on the first day of school. When it’s time for me to go, he brushes his lips against my cheek. I can’t deny I want more.
“How did it feel being helpless?”
“I’m not helpless.” I straighten my shoulders.
“You try not to be.” He strokes my hair. “Yet you panicked when I tied you up and―”
“What do you expect? You’re a stranger.”
“A stranger?” He grins. “Each time I ask you about something, you put a wall between us. I don’t want to hurt you. I’m here to rescue you.”
Deep in thought, I stride back to my cabin. He seems to understand me more than David. Will I ever feel safe again?
Day 6
Christopher and I stroll the streets of Rome as I indulge in my tiramisu gelato. We stop at the The Fontana di Trevi where hundreds of tourists gather together.
Digging in his pocket, Christopher removes a penny and closes his eyes. I admire the three Roman god statues—Ocean, Abundance, and Health with their chariot horses. A huge part of me wishes to dive in the fountain and pretend I never existed. Another side of me wants to run away with Aiden and leave the past behind.
Maybe I should and just embrace my new identity―Red. What could be worse than being with David who doesn’t remember anything about me or our life while I suffer each day, knowing he would have ended our marriage? What is there to come back to when all that’s left are bittersweet memories?
Christopher nudges me. “Did you make a wish?”
I shake my head.
He furrows his eyebrows. “Legend states that if you throw a coin and make a wish, you’ll return to Rome.”
“Really? I don’t believe in wishes. “ I take a bigger scoop of my gelato and march toward the next stop.
“No harm in trying,” he says.
Christopher and I explore the Sistine chapel, the Vatican, and climb the Spanish steps.
“Hey, Liv, I can tell you’re sad since it’s our last night, but didn’t you enjoy yourself?”
“Of course I did.” I tear up. “I’m not sure I’ll be able to do this again.”
“Yes, you will. You might want to take David with you.”
David? How can I face him?
At a souvenir shop, Christopher haggles with the vendor while I pluck a miniature Leaning Tower of Pisa. My eyes moisten as I put on my sunglasses then wrap my hair in a bun.
Tomorrow morning, we’ll dock and fly back to San Francisco. I don’t want to leave. I only want to see Aiden and tell him how special he makes me feel. When I’m with him, I feel alive. Something I missed for a long time.
Souvenirs for David and my mother-in-law are now paid.
Voices of a couple arguing in Italian capture my attention. The woman raises her voice when I gaze in their direction. My heart stops as I spot the man with her. Aiden. They’re both oblivious I’m there. The woman continues to comb her long auburn wavy hair. She points a finger at him while he darts back with strong words.
“You ready?” Christopher pokes me.
I glance back at the couple locked in a tight embrace.
My heart rips open like a dagger has been plunged into it.
He snaps his fingers. “Are you okay? Do you know them?”
“No.” I shrug, taking a step forward. “We should go.”
We stride back to the cruise.
“You seem quite edgy today.”
“Let’s not talk about that.” I walk ahead of him toward our cabin. Once there, I pack my clothes and position my suitcase in the corner. “Are you seeing Patrick tonight?”
“I told Patrick I was worried about you and I should spend time with you before we head back.” He folds his arms.
“Silly. Go see Patrick.”
“And leave you alone here?” He unzips his luggage.
“I can go to the spa, get a massage. Read my book and savor some alone time.” I bite my lip.
“If you say so.”
“Christopher…” I give him a tight embrace. “Thank you.”
“No point in being all mushy.”
When he leaves, an image of the woman earlier that day dawns upon me. I need to find out who she is.
Slipping on a crimson shirt and jeans, I ask myself, am I ready to take the plunge with Aiden and leave everything behind? The idea sounds tempting, but I’m going to give myself one more night to think about it. If this will be my last night of being Red, I better enjoy it.
* * *
Aiden’s white shirt clings to his sculpted body. He welcomes me inside with a boyish grin.
“Where is she?” I search the cabin.
“The woman you were with earlier today.”
He closes the door. “You were spying on me?”
“I wasn’t spying. You both marched in front of me like I didn’t exist. I never knew you spoke Italian.”
“Let’s be clear about one thing, Red.” He gestures his hands in the air. “Don’t try psychological profiling me. You think I’m not aware you’re married? I bet your husband was having an affair, and you’re here to forget.”
I plop into a chair and begin to weep.
Aiden rushes to my side and comforts me. “Please don’t cry. I’m on your side.”
Sobbing some more, I’m at a loss of words. My emotions are like a roller coaster. I don’t want to go home. How can I return when there’s nothing left for me except taking care of David? Who will take care of me?
After removing his wallet from his back pocket, Aiden shows me a picture of the woman and him. The photo appears to be taken a decade ago from his more angular face. “She’s my sister who lives in Rome. We were arguing about who will watch my aging father and my condition.”
“Is there anything wrong with you?”
He slants his gaze to the floor. “I have renal failure.”
“What! That’s insane.”
“Don’t worry,” he pacifies me. “I don’t feel anything, and the doctor said I’m one of the lucky few who is healthy and asymptomatic.”
I study him. He doesn’t look like someone who has renal failure, but again I can’t bear the thought of his condition worsening.
“Let’s not talk about this. I want to focus on you.”
Tears stain my cheeks. I’m thrilled Aiden shared a piece of him with me. I should do the same. In respect to change the subject, I say, “I didn’t think you were Italian.”
“Both of my parents were, which explains my passion for food.”
I nod. “Are you going to take him in?”
nbsp; He sighs. “Dad and I would never see eye to eye. We’re both bullheaded, and he can be demanding at times.”
“What do you plan to do?”
He shrugs.
My thoughts shift to my mother-in-law. She’s both needy and stubborn, but thanks to her, I ventured on this cruise. “That’s a major decision.”
“What do you say we get some milkshakes and go bowling? I’m in the mood to do something fun.” His warm hand grasps mine.
He never lets go while we march to the bowling alley, and I dream of knowing more about him. Aiden seems exciting, adventurous, reminding me of how David used to be.
We play a set of games, and Aiden tries to win the overachiever in me. With a straight set of strikes, I end up beating him by a few points.
He pokes me in the ribs. “You’re a tough cookie.”
“I thrive.”
As we head back to his cabin, he pulls me close and smells my hair. “Remember what I told you when we met?”
I raise my eyebrows.
“That I might be able to help you? Looks like you’re going through something deep.”
If I tell him, I’ll lose a part of myself and it’ll only complicate my life even more.
“Run away with me.”
“What?” Temptation tugs in my intestines.
“You’re halfway there. You have a choice to either move forward or go back.”
I picture the headlines―Recovering coma patient’s wife disappears after embarking on a Mediterranean cruise. The thought sounds inviting, but cheating on David doesn’t change how much I love him. I don’t want to think of the consequences so I press my finger against his mouth. “I want to focus on tonight.”
We enter his cabin. He carries me to the bed, undressing me with soft kisses. Under the dim lights, I close my eyes and allow him to take away my painful reality while he gently makes love to me.
Aiden looks at me straight in the eye. “Red, I’m giving you a chance of a lifetime. Meet me at the deck where we first kissed fifteen minutes before the ship docks. We can start a new life together.”